Vice President

Mr. Han Seyha (Head of Marketing)

Background of Academy

- MBA Western University Kg-cham Branch

- Bachelor Degree in Specializing Agronomy, Agriculture Science at KampongCham National School of Agriculture.

- Diploma about the II Social Accountability School Certificate Program that recognised by Ateneo De Manila University School of Government, Antonio G.M La Vina, JSD 8 July 2009 by World Bank.

Background of Works

2012: District Council Mentor (DCM) / NCDD

2010-2011: Business Development Officer (BDO) Lien Aid International Organizational (LA)

2006-2010: Chief Office of Kampong Cham province / KYA

2010-2011: Vice-director/ K-NAN part of Advocacy

2009-2011: Lecturer/ W.U

2008-2010: General Secretary/ Civil Society Network against Child Labour (CSNACL) by ILO.

Trainer of Socail Accountability

Experiences in MLM around 14 years

Owner one Clinic in Kg-Cham

Director of English & Skill Training School (ESTS)


Mr. Ly Sihanun

Background of Academy

- MBA at Sachak Asia Development Institute

- MBA at Presey Hanuk Reach

- Bachelor Degree in Business Management form SADI

- MBA of Enlish Literature from Panhasastra phnom penh